Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Firesheep Presentation at Linux SIG

I'll be giving a presentation on Firesheep and cookies:

7pm Thur., December 16, 2010 at Wright State University, Russ Engineering, RC146

Here are my presentation slides:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Firesheep on Linux! Update 1

As of the current git release you too can get firesheep goodness on linux:

>git clone git://
>cd firesheep
>git submodule update --init
>./ --with-xulrunner-sdk=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-

Now you have to pretend you know what you're doing...  add dependencies it complains about, and hack a makefile

For dependencies, look for what it complains about using apt-cache:
>apt-cache search '[missing dependency name]'
>sudo apt-get install '[package from list]'

On my netbook I needed the following, but you may need more:
sudo apt-get install libhal-dev

Once all the dependencies are happy type:

The installer gets built in: 

Just fire up firefox and browse to it.  Double click.

Alternately, type:
> firefox build/firesheep.xpi

At this point, if you go into preferences, there's nothing in the interface list.  There's one last step:
> cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/extensions/*gcc3
> sudo ./firesheep-backend --fix-permissions

On my eeepc, the interface needs to be in monitor mode to capture cookies:
>ifconfig wlan0 down
>iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
>ifconfig wlan0 up

This allows firesheep to capture cookies, but you can't connect to the internet.  You need a second connection, or else you can just switch back once a cookie gets captured:
>ifconfig wlan0 down
>iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
>ifconfig wlan0 up

It's not quite as automatic as on the other platforms, but it works!  I tried it by logging into my facebook on my Mac in Safari.  Up popped my facebook entry, but the icon was broken because my interface  was in monitor mode.  I switched to managed mode and then clicked on the entry in the firesheep tab and viola! I'm logged in without a password!

I next added a second wireless interface and put my wireless in monitor mode.  Then everything works pionty clicky, including icons.  I click on my smiling mug and up pops my facebook page, logged in as me.

But it needs two wireless cards to work seamlessly...  :-(  Not ideal.  It works though.  Coool stuff.

PS.  Here's a link to the plugin, in case you're lazy.  (It works for me on Ubuntu 10.04 on an EEEPC 701)